Keeping in view the Vision and the Thrust of the Final Statement of the XVI General Chapter, the Delhi Province during its elevation on 2nd July 2004, adopted the Motto ‘Pilgrims of Faith, and Witnesses of Hope’. The motto is the concrete expression of our charism and patrimony, of being pioneer missionaries dedicated to the task of community building among all peoples. Being pilgrims of faith implies a multi-religious context, where in we walk hand in hand with people of goodwill of all communities in dialogue, enriching and bringing contentment to their lives by sharing our Christian faith with them. Our mission is also being witness of hope in this vast social situation were hopelessness, injustice and exploitation that characterizes our country. It involves sharing our love and service through the personal witness of our lives, and through social development programmes.
During the First Ordinary Chapter of Affairs we did a sincere assessment of our mission work and spelled out certain key objectives to
guide us in the days ahead.
Following were the objectives:
1. To evolve a more effective mission apostolate.
2. Since the vitality of the ecclesial community depends to a large extent, on its youth, they were to be given utmost priority.
3. We took cognizance of the fact that we need to lay more stress in the area of social action
4. To encourage collaborative spirit in our mission apostolate.