Indigenous Approaches


This feature of 'KirpaSatsang' ('KirpaSatsang' – I)attempts to provide a basic understanding about the vibrant prayer service.The write-up - "BRO. DAVID's KIRPA SATSANG MINISTRY: Spirit-Filled Evangelizers who 'Go' and 'Bring More' to experience Jesus" provides some clues to understand the dynamism of the 'KirpaSatsang' prayer.
The next feature ('KripaSatsang' – II) will attempt to relate about this prayer form elaborating on the following related topics such as 'KirpaSatsang' and inculturation, inter-religious dialogue, a charismatic movement, a common annual celebration, etc.


The Foundational Dynamism of KirpaSatsang

Kirpa Satsang is a dynamic form of prayer which enables one to understand, be aware of and experience Jesus in the prayer-gathering and in one's life.
Kirpa Satsang is a medium of introducing God to his children by way of facilitating the process of listening to the Word of God, adore the Eucharistic Jesus, make intercessory prayers and give testimonies of the blessings received. It is actually a means to receive God's mighty grace and instill an ardent desire to remain in the grace-filled disposition, ultimately becoming a new disciple of Christ or an even better disciple of Christ Jesus.
What is envisioned via Kirpa Satsang ? The words of Jesus are “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Mt.18:20). Thus when God's children come together, even though there may be many distinguishing aspects of their identities (they could belong to different faiths, different cultures, different backgrounds and identities), yet they have the commonality of coming together in the name of Jesus, and thereby the Lord's presence is guaranteed.
Kirpa Satsang is an open platform where one listens to the Word of God and allows oneself to be touched by the creative and living Word and thus become aware of one's primary identity, that of being a 'child of God'. It is thus a means to experience and glorify God.
Deepening Our Understanding from the Etymology of Kirpa Satsang
The name Kirpa Satsang is quiet self-explanatory.

Kirpa refers to grace. Now the explanation of 'grace' is not always an easy task. The term has spiritual and supernatural nuances. However, in common parlance, we could explain grace as 'the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God; the influence or Spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them'. In the Kirpa Satsang service, the devote desires to attain this divine dynamism.
Sat would refer to 'truth'. Jesus had affirmed about himself: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn 14:6). For Christians, Jesus is the Truth. And Jesus is the One who is true to his word: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mt24:35).
Sangath connotes togetherness. It is not a crowd, but a gathering of different people with a commonality of a purpose. Satsang is therefore a modality of being together to deepen one's understanding about what is really true amidst the many temporal, superficial and accidental aspects of life. Thus, there is a gathering of God's children who are united in a purpose to receive God's grace and experience Jesus as the true and eternal Lord.

The Basic Dynamics of the Format followed during Kirpa Satsang

Kirpa Satsang would normally begin with the recitation of the rosary till people gather. The rosary provides an opportunity for the believers and those who are new to the faith to be acquainted with the mysterious and gracious interventions of God in the history of humanity.
The recitation of the rosary is followed with praises sung in thanksgiving for God to be considerate of human beings and graciously intervene in our lives. After honouring God and becoming disposed to have a deeper experience, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed before the gathering and the powerful presence of Jesus is explained to the gathering.
As one is adoring and praising Jesus in the blessed species, the Word of God (which is again a gracious intervention of God) is proclaimed. The gracious Word is then explained to the faithful. Intercessory prayers articulate the people's needs before God. Praying over and testimonies towards the end help the people to all the more understand God's gracious interventions in the life of those who kept their faith in Jesus.
There are different formats of Kirpa Satsang followed. The above mentioned is one of them. However, the entire service ought to have the animated combination of Sravana, Dharsana,Manana and Sparshana. Sravana is hearing, Manana is meditation, Darshana is looking at the Eucharist or yearning for a divine encounter, and Sparshana is being prayed over.

Spirit-Filled Evangelizers who 'Go' and 'Bring More' to experience Jesus

Bro. David Masih right from his young age has been inclined to charismatic forms of prayer and worship. After his Final Profession in the Society of Pilar in January 2008 he was appointed at St. Joseph's Church Mandi Dabwali, Haryana. In Dabwali, he had been a dynamic prayer leader touching the lives of hundreds of those seeking to understand God's Word and experience God's grace.
Rt. Rev. Franco Mulakkal (Bishop of Jalandhar) appointed Bro. David as the 'Satsang Leader' for 7 Satsang Centers in his diocese since March, 2013. The centres are located in Gurdaspur district (Shri Hargobindpur, Kotli, Kahnuwan and Kadian), in Jalandhar district (Lambapind Jal and Boothan Jal) and Hoshiarpur district (Adampur). Being busy all through week visiting the centers and conducting Kirpa Satsang has been a very fulfilling experience for him.
Bro. David humbly acknowledges that God has used his instrumentality in touching the lives of people. He is contended to have shared God's Word to people from the villages and towns, to Christians and people of other faiths and to those who have no faith in God. He finds himself overwhelmed when he listens to the joyous testimonies of miracles and extra-ordinary interventions of God via the Satsangs he animates. He shares about a certain woman from Kahnuwan who became pregnant after 17 long years. He witnessed the testimony of a man who was born lame and began to walk after 30 years. He heard the cry of 'alleluia' over and over from the lips of a 21 year old man from Kotli who was born deaf and dumb. Bro. David has many more testimonies to share and feels very happy to be able to help the congregates have a divine experience.

The charismatic leadership of Bro. David has been recognized by the people of the adjoining areas given that he has been receiving many requests to come to their localities and animate Satsangs for their people in their localities. Bro. David elaborates on the dynamism of Satsangs informing that he has witnessed the faith increase – those with firm faith in Jesus, as well as those who are tepid and lukewarm in their Christian faith get their faith strengthened; people belonging to different religious affiliations get introduced to the Christian faith and they strengthen their devotion to Jesus. Besides, many persons of other faiths seek to be baptized as well. Bro. David also shares that many youngsters who would otherwise find pleasure with temporal delights have volunteered to assist and accompany him for his Satsang programs. A few youngsters have also come forward to join the Priesthood. A few youngsters who are receiving their initial formation in the Orientation Course Formation House of the Delhi Province of the Society of Pilar attribute their call to Bro. David.
Bro. David affirms that “Kirpa Satsang is an ongoing Pentecostal Movement in the Church, where the people experience the power of the Holy Spirit.” He adds, “those who experience the power – 'Go', and those who 'Go' come back 'Bringing More' ”. He believes Kirpa Satsang has an apostolic dimension of being evangelizers after receiving the Holy Spirit. Those who receive the power of the Spirit would but want others to also receive the life-giving Spirit. Bro. David accounts that on an average there is a daily assembly of some 300 to 400 persons participating in the Satsang.

Bro. David's 'KripaSatsang' services and some of his discourses are telecasted on 'PrarthanaBhawan' TV Channel (on Airtel Digital TV, channel no. 675). You could also visit the You Tube Channel - 'PrarthanaBhawan'. Check out the following link to listen to Bro. David's discourse on

Courtesy...... (Roshni 2017 May)


Bro. David Masih leading the Adoration service during the Mela, as Rt. Rev. Franco Mullakal (Bishop of Jalandhar) blesses the crowds with the monstrance. The Mela was organized from the 28th September to 1st October, 2016 at Dhariwal,Gurdaspur, Punjab.


Fairs or Melas in Punjab are the most sort after community leisure avenues, where there is a spontaneous outburst of the socio-cultural, religious and ever evolving creative dynamism of the people of the land. The event is a source of great joy and gaiety; specially in the countryside where life follows a hard routine. To such as these, nothing is more welcome to the people than the prospect of a festival or a mela. A rural mela in Punjab has a great significance. It is not just an occasion for festivity and mass gathering, but it is an unbounded expression of the spirit of the inner freedom, of creative pride, of zest for life,

and of colorful traditions of the people of Punjab.

People come to participate in such enchantingly picturesque fairs from far-off places, trudging dusty distances. Men women and children of all ages, classes and creeds flock in hundreds and join in the fun and frolic, remaining enthused with the numerous fascinating features of the fair - races, wrestling bouts, singing, acrobatics, etc. They also play on folk instruments, such as vanjli and algoza and exhibit their finery by way of their costumes, jewellery and even recent commercialized gadgets.

BRO. DAVID'S INITIATIVES: Kripa Satsang and Melas

Our Brother confrere, Bro. David Masih sfx has been a powerhouse of spiritual animation in the district of Jalandhar and the adjoining areas as he animates retreats at the Bishop's house of the Diocese of Jalandhar. At present, he is leading six Kripa Satsang centes at City Church Jalandar, Lambapind, Bhootan, Shri Hargobindpur, Khanuwan and Jandyala Noormahal. He has also contributed to the above-mentioned festivity of melas. Most of the fairs are held in memory of a saint or a pir, and people from all communities living in a village participate in it.

Our Christian leaders in these areas bring Jesus in the centre of the festivities and their initiative facilitates the process of getting acquainted with Jesus, strengthening of one's faith in the Lord and directing the devotee to build a stronger relationship with God. As of now, Bro. David has been immensely contributing for the following melas: Sardhana (Our Lady of Grace), Jalandar Cantt (Mother Mary Mela), Ajnala (Fazlan di MaaMela), Rajasansi (St Thomas Mela), Ludhiana (Mashyana, Holy Rosary Mela), Shri Hargobindpur (Kirpa Satsang Mela) and Fathegard (Jai Rani Mela). Bro. David is working over bringing extensive features in print and audio-video mediums to share about such spiritual dynamics utilised in ministry. Perhaps our next issue of Roshni would cover one such feature. Bro.


St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Kahnuwan organised its rd third' Mission Mela' on 3rd November, 2016. Every year the parishioners of Kahnuwan from the nearest to the furthest village gather in the parish church to celebrate the 'Mission Mela'. The parishioners prepare various dishes and sell the delicacies to the people participating in the festivities. It is their gesture of saying thanks to the generous benefactors who helped them in receiving the message of Jesus. The income from this Mela is then sent to the diocese as our contribution for the Mission Sunday fund. The Youth of Kahnuwan were the most energetic parish group as they displayed their creativity by organising various games for the entertainment of the people. Fr. Mario Fernandes (Parish Priest) and Fr. Albert Fernandes (Assistant Parish Priest) were instrumental in preparing the ground for disposing the parishioners to be generous in contributing their mite for the success of the Mela.

Courtesy...... (Roshni 2017 January)

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